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When we were younger, we could make new friends within seconds on the playground. All we had to do was ask, or have a great time on the monkey bars with someone else and before we knew it, we were best friends. These days, making friends is a little harder. We’re all busy with adult things and we barely have the time to maintain the friendships we already have let alone foster new ones. Well, as always, we’re here to help. Here are three ways you can meet new friends while adulting in your everyday life. 

Join a club 

Hopefully even as an adult, you have found ways to occupy your spare time with something you love. If that is not the case, it’s not too late, you can do it now! Outside of our occupations and family obligations, we should find ways to engage in hobbies that fall outside of our everyday responsibilities. Maybe there is a sport you used to play as a kid or something you would do in your free time as a teenager. We tend to lose those things along the way when “more important” things come up, but the reality is, you should always make time for fun. With that being said, making new friends could be as easy as joining a club that features a particular interest. Or, you could join a club that features something you’d like to learn more about. Joining a club is a great way to find like minded people who enjoy the same things you enjoy. Try for starters. 

Co working

Coworking spaces are popping up everywhere, in every corner of the world. People are traveling more and with that comes spaces where travelers or people who work from home, can find community and a productive environment in which to work. Joining a coworking space is a great way to meet people who share common life experiences because most coworking spaces don’t just exist as a  building, they foster community. From beer Thursdays to donut Wednesdays, coworking is about more than just working. It’s about taking breaks, talking at the water station, and relating over coffee preferences. If you’re ever lonely in the work space, try coworking. Plywood Place in Atlanta and Wework are two great options.  


Of course, coliving is a favorite of ours. If you ever find yourself in a situation where you need a place to live and people to split the  responsibilities with, coliving is a great solution. With that, comes a natural result of meeting people. The hope, is that you’re able to vibe with your roommates in a way that creates more than just a living situation – but a small community of people you can take with you even after you move. 

Community seems to be the central theme here. When you find a community of people who share a common interest, talent, or need, you can increase your chances of meeting the exact people you’ve been looking for.