We all know how important sleep is for our mental and physical health. Our self awareness, emotional well-being, how we interact with the world around us, psychological awareness and perception are all affected by how much or little we sleep. Known more commonly, is how we’re affected physically by lack of sleep; our flexibility, endurance, strength, energy and balance can all be empowered or hindered based on how much rest we allow our bodies.
Although it’s ok to do either of the following, it only becomes a problem if it becomes a habit; staying up late watching your favorite tv show before bed, using electronics with blue light such as a computer or phone, staying out late while having a few drinks etc. According to the Sleep Foundation , the average adult needs about 7 – 9 hours of sleep, younger children including infants need anywhere from 8 – 17 hours of sleep.
Along with a healthy diet and physical activity, sleep should be a priority. If you have trouble sleeping at night try creating a nighttime routine. Don’t drink caffeine late in the day and put away all electronics at least an hour before bed.
Another way to help with insomnia is by using sound therapy. Before that last hour before bed, try listening to soothing sounds that calm and relax your mind and body. Check out the following:
White Noise
White noise is noise that contains multiple frequencies from sound that then produces one audio frequency. Which, according to the Sleep Foundation, is also called broadband. Examples of white noise are static, sound coming from the air conditioner or my personal favorite, a fan.
Brown Noise
Brown Noise is similar to white noise however when the higher frequencies decrease it is considered Brown Noise. An example would be thunder or heavy waterfalls which brings me to the next sleep aid.
Nature Sounds
Nature sounds encapsulate brown and pink noise; steady rain, ocean waves, wind blowing through trees. Other nature sounds that may help would be sounds from animals and insects. I’m from the south and hearing a bunch of Cicadas outside my window as a child would put me right to sleep and still does today.
Not only do these sounds help you sleep better at night but they can also improve cognitive thinking, focus and help ease anxiety and depression.