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The rise of the digital arena has brought on a new era of independence. For so long, success was finding a good job, clocking in on time everyday and reaping the benefits of that. But that is ancient history. Work-life has been revolutionized — and this has been happening since before COVID. 

There is something priceless about being able to work from home; better yet, how about being able to work from anywhere in the world, all the while, not having to sacrifice one’s livelihood — in some cases, it has made livelihoods better. 

But with the pros, also come the cons. 

While so many have relished in the freedom digital business and commerce have provided, there is the issue of connection. The ability to peek from your cubicle into the next and say “hi” to the person working next to you. It is difficult to replace the camaraderie you get when working side by side with someone else. The relationship — human connection — is something we will always need.

And as a solopreneur, you can have that as well. But it may take a few adjustments. Here are a few thoughts that might help you in your journey to building your community!


“Intentional days create a life on purpose.” – Adrienne Enns, Intentional days: Creating Your Life on Purpose

Be intentional. Engage people. If you’re on social media, reach out and tell that artist how much you love their work. Tell that writer how their work has inspired you; be kind. You will be amazed how many doors open for you when you are being intentional about finding your tribe and building your community. Sometimes, it’s all about being in position. 


Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music – the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself. – Henry Miller

The key to being interesting is to show that you are interested. When you are being intentional about talking to people and building relationships, your best bet will be to focus on them and how you might be a resource to them. Follow them, share their work when you can, ask how you can help them get where they are going. There is no guarantee they will, or should, be a part of your tribe. But you won’t know until you try, right?


Initiative is doing the right thing without being told. – Victor Hugo

So you’ve been intentional, You’ve shown your interest, now what? It may be time to show some initiative. Email the novelists you’ve been admiring from afar; ask the person you see everyday at your favorite coffee shop what their name is and exchange contact information. We won’t lie to you: this might be the hardest one. Because it might mean you get rejected. And if you are a solopreneur, maybe you like being one because you don’t like people and having to talk to them. But even the most die hard introvert needs community, whether they know so or not. So take a step. What’s the worst that can happen?


We wish you the best of luck in your journey to building your community. We hope these tips are of some help to you! Also, we would love to hear what you think: What are some of your go-to’s for building community as a Solopreneur? Before we get out of here, here is one more quote about the power of community:

It’s important to surround yourself with good people, interesting people, young people, young ideas. Go places, learn new stuff. Look at the world with wonder – don’t be tired about it.- Angela Bassett